According to the latest buzz, sexy Priyanka Chopra will star in Abbas-Mustan’s ‘Race 2’ to be produced by Ramesh Tarauni. At first, Deepika Padukone was considered for the role but the actress did not sign it due to some unknown reason. Now the makers shifted their choice to Priyanka Chopra who has done some good actions in her past films.
The source explained, "The producers of the film have already spoken to Priyanka, who is sorting out her dates. After the success of Race, the writers of the film and Abbas-Mustan took their time before finalising the sequel. Abbas-Mustan were sure that they would only start the film, if they got the right script. Now, the makers are awaiting Priyanka to officially come on-board."
From the original Saif Ali Khan and Anil Kapoor has been kept. In the sequel to 'Race 2’, we will get to see some new faces like John Abraham in negative role, Sonakshi Sinha and Priyanka as the second lead actress. ‘Race 2’ promises to be more action, more thrill and more twists and turns.
The source explained, "The producers of the film have already spoken to Priyanka, who is sorting out her dates. After the success of Race, the writers of the film and Abbas-Mustan took their time before finalising the sequel. Abbas-Mustan were sure that they would only start the film, if they got the right script. Now, the makers are awaiting Priyanka to officially come on-board."
From the original Saif Ali Khan and Anil Kapoor has been kept. In the sequel to 'Race 2’, we will get to see some new faces like John Abraham in negative role, Sonakshi Sinha and Priyanka as the second lead actress. ‘Race 2’ promises to be more action, more thrill and more twists and turns.
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