When Garam Masala released over half a decade ago, Akshay Kumar was in his late 30s and John Abraham in his early 30s. Now when they would be seen together again in Desi Boyz, the actors are quite sure that they would stay on to be 'boyz' indeed. This means that the 30s tag would still stay intact with them despite the fact that Akshay is in his mid-40s while John would be touching 40 soon as well.
Informs a source, "Yes, both Akshay and John would be playing much younger than what they are in real life. Even though in real life Akshay is 44 years old and John would be turning 39 this December, they would be playing 32 and 30 years old respectively."
This would also mean that to enact a character which is a decade younger than their real self, Akshay and John would have to be presented in a manner which is convincing enough on screen.
"That has been taken care of", the source assures, "First and foremost - even though it may sound like a cliche - the fact is that to go young is the 'demand of the script'. Akshay and John play two young men in UK who have been hit by recession and then get into some naughty acts in order to come out of the mess. Of course they can't be expected to get into Ranbir Kapoor or Imran Khan mode but to go with their overall personality and the work experience they come up, everything ranging from sets to clothes to dialogues to their behaviour in general has been worked upon."
While this would further mean that Chitrangda Singh, who is 35 years old in real life, too would be required to look much younger since she is paired opposite Akshay Kumar, for Deepika Padukone it would be much easier as she is 25 in real life.
"Well, this is the youngest that you would be seeing my actors as in any film", smiles first time director Rohit Dhawan for whom all four actors were always his first choice, "The kind of spontaneity and energy that they bring with them is phenomenal. I was convinced that they could look younger on screen and had discussed this with them long back. Especially Akshay as well as John have never been thrown into such young environment. Now when folks would see Desi Boyz, they would acknowledge that this setup is as young as it can get."
Informs a source, "Yes, both Akshay and John would be playing much younger than what they are in real life. Even though in real life Akshay is 44 years old and John would be turning 39 this December, they would be playing 32 and 30 years old respectively."
This would also mean that to enact a character which is a decade younger than their real self, Akshay and John would have to be presented in a manner which is convincing enough on screen.
"That has been taken care of", the source assures, "First and foremost - even though it may sound like a cliche - the fact is that to go young is the 'demand of the script'. Akshay and John play two young men in UK who have been hit by recession and then get into some naughty acts in order to come out of the mess. Of course they can't be expected to get into Ranbir Kapoor or Imran Khan mode but to go with their overall personality and the work experience they come up, everything ranging from sets to clothes to dialogues to their behaviour in general has been worked upon."
While this would further mean that Chitrangda Singh, who is 35 years old in real life, too would be required to look much younger since she is paired opposite Akshay Kumar, for Deepika Padukone it would be much easier as she is 25 in real life.
"Well, this is the youngest that you would be seeing my actors as in any film", smiles first time director Rohit Dhawan for whom all four actors were always his first choice, "The kind of spontaneity and energy that they bring with them is phenomenal. I was convinced that they could look younger on screen and had discussed this with them long back. Especially Akshay as well as John have never been thrown into such young environment. Now when folks would see Desi Boyz, they would acknowledge that this setup is as young as it can get."
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