Starring Ranveer Singh, who has won everyone's heart with his endearing and scintillating performance, as well as the Best Actor (Debut) at all the award shows this year, and the accomplished and charismatic Anushka Sharma, the film is produced by Aditya Chopra and is based on a story developed by him. Habib Faisal has written the dialogues, the screenplay is by Devika Bhagat. The music will be composed by Salim-Sulaiman, lyrics by Amitabh Bhattacharya and the film will be shot by Aseem Mishra (DOP), all of whom have been a part of BAND BAAJA BAARAAT.
LADIES VS RICKY BAHL is a fun-filled "ROM-CON" where a smooth and charming conman, Ricky Bahl, cons girls for a living but finally meets his match.
The film starts shooting early-April with plans to be in theatres worldwide on 9th Dec 2011, the same weekend BAND BAAJA BAARAAT released.
Starring Ranveer Singh, who has won everyone's heart with his endearing and scintillating performance, as well as the Best Actor (Debut) at all the award shows this year, and the accomplished and charismatic Anushka Sharma, the film is produced by Aditya Chopra and is based on a story developed by him. Habib Faisal has written the dialogues, the screenplay is by Devika Bhagat. The music will be composed by Salim-Sulaiman, lyrics by Amitabh Bhattacharya and the film will be shot by Aseem Mishra (DOP), all of whom have been a part of BAND BAAJA BAARAAT.
LADIES VS RICKY BAHL is a fun-filled "ROM-CON" where a smooth and charming conman, Ricky Bahl, cons girls for a living but finally meets his match.
The film starts shooting early-April with plans to be in theatres worldwide on 9th Dec 2011, the same weekend BAND BAAJA BAARAAT released.
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